Monday, November 17, 2008

This is directly emailed from Jessica Rose

Hi pet!

Here is a sketch for you to review. :) Not sure if we are on the same page or not. I took a look at the birds you attached last time around AFTER having done this little guy. Then I remember you were hoping for more folk arty... like. :) So, he is definitely changeable. Also, the text can be in a an actual computer font if everyone would rather that. Just let me know! :) It is all in pencil so still VERY much changeable. If you'd like to scrap this one alltogether as well... not a problem.


Aunt Peetza said...

what is your thoughts??

mine? im not completley decided im going to get back at you with it.

LIZZY said...

This is Perfect!

Tam said...

I think the chicken needs to look a little more frizzled and less like a peacock! :)

Aunt Peetza said...

maybe more frazzled got it!

audrey said...

this is good, but i agree with tam. the bird needs to look a little more stressed!!

Aunt Peetza said...

just a note i did explore the whole wilson sports tshirts and i cant seem to find any so if anyone would like to look and tell me i would be more than happy to go exploring some more. :)

kerri wilson said...

what ever you guys decide is fine with us....we are along for the ride. Not even sure if we can get out there...we will definately try

LIZZY said...

this is emma i like it. agree that the chicken needs to look more like us.

Aunt Peetza said...

ok skinny at the it... *wink