Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sweatshirts and t-shirts

Hey to all my folky kin or hmmmm? ok anyways i need to design a logo basically and i would truly love ideas it always helps to get everyones mind going to get the perfect thing so lets not be shy step up and tell me what you think and if you do not want to let everyone else know what your thoughts are i do not mind you emailing me at

Thank you!! Peetytheabsolutesweetyhehe....

are you sure it was a good idea to give me this much control???

Ok i edited this so you could see what is going through my head i have asked Jessica Rose to dabble with it and hey who knows what we will come up with. i am thinking we are definitely weird birds and the tree thingy goes with family sooooo....what do you think??? oh and the wording? Bella Beach Depot Bay Oregon 2009? or keep it simple Depot Bay, Oregon 2009? suggestions are wondermus.
yes i think hoods are a great plan. and the poster thing i want one too.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Home but mixed up

I still don;t know if I'm doing this right.


So get your calenders out-------------November 5-8 2009, Lionel has reserved a gathering place at the beach!
Location--5095 W. Belle Circle
General directions driving on Hwy 101 turn on Oceanview drive this will dump you into W. Belle Circle. The gathering place is located in the Bella Beach community just north of Depoe Bay.
----------------------------------Pic of the driveway-------------------------------------------